Worker Access Live Registrations help page
Live Registrations. This feature will help you when you will be accepting registration before the race at maybe packet pickup and even the morning of the race. Runners are directed to go to the web site on their phone to register. They will register just like all of the previous runners, selecting their desired race, entering their information, and selecting options such as a shirt size. Many runners can be registering at the same time; there is no waiting. When they have entered all of their information and made their selections, they will make payment online. All of the logistics have been settled!
Clicking on Live Registrations will open a window and display a list of all registered runners, sorted in reverse order with the most recently registered runner displayed at the top. The page will refresh automatically, allowing your worker to know right away who who has just barely registered.
Registration before payment is made. Once a person has entered all of their information into the system and they are directed to the credit card processor, they will be displayed at the top of the list as a partial registrant. They are not yet fully registered! You will notice that their information is displayed, but they have not yet been assigned a bib number. This lets your worker know that the runner is currently in our system and they are working on making payment with a credit card. Registration is no yet complete. We need to wait to find out if the payment is accepted.
Registration after payment has cleared. When the credit card payment has cleared, the registration is complete. A bib number will then be assigned to the runner, and the display will change to include their bib number. At this point your worker can pull out the bib number that was assigned to this runner and write the personal information on the generic bib label (usually just name and race). Once this is done, the runner is ready to go! Your worker will hand the bib number to the runner, point out the location of the safety pins, and, if appropriate, give them the size of shirt that they selected.
Registration when payment was declined. If their payment is not accepted and is declined, after a few minutes the name of the runner will disappear from the list. The person will need to try again.
One real benefit to this process is that all of the information that we need for each runner is now in our system, and when the runner finishes the race, they will be included in the results.
Note: A word of caution if your group will have runners registering online and also allow runners to register in-person where your workers will enter them by hand. You must leave a gap in the bib numbers between what the system will assign and the numbers that your workers will enter when they manually enter a runner. Failure to do so will likely result in duplicate runners receiving the same bib number, which will create serious problems. For example, if you have generic bib labels for bib numbers 425 to 445 for runners registering online, when runners register in person with a paper registration, the worker should start assigning these runners with bibs that start at 446 and above.
Good luck with the race!